"Nasi Pecel"

Pecel is a typical food in Madiun East Java of Indonesia made ​​of vegetables stew of spinach, bean sprouts, green beans, basil, leaves turi, Krai (a type of cucumber), or other vegetables are served with doused sauce. The concept is similar to salad dishes from Europe. Both are using fresh vegetables as main ingredients and use the toppings. The difference is that, if using mayonnaise as a salad topping, then pecel itself uses the sauce pecel . The main ingredient is peanut sauce and cayenne pepper mixed with other ingredients such as kaffir lime leaves, garlic, tamarind, pepper and salt. Pecel often served with peanut peanut brittle, plate of shrimp or rice. In addition, pecel also usually served with a warm white rice plus chicken or bowel. Way of presenting to the plate or in a folded leaf, called pincuk. This dish is similar to gado-gado, although there are differences in materials used. Pecel a spicy pungent flavor characteristic of this cuisine.

Pecel variation according to region :


In Banyumas, pecel are often laced with ingredients (vegetables) that smells stimulating. Among them, sprinkled with seeds or sliced ​​lamtoro kecombrang interest that has been steamed.


Pecel name means different things in the Slawi, Tegal, Central Java. Pecel not presented in the form of vegetables, but the form of salad. Pecel version Slawi area consists of fresh fruits such as guava, pineapple, papaya, and mango and doused in a thick sauce of brown sugar.


In contrast to Pecel Madiun, Pecel Tulungagung Pecel is not as complete, and the marinades are very much. It means tasty!



+) 75 gr bean sprouts, trimmed
+) 100 grams of cabbage, thinly sliced​​, boiled
+) 150 g young papaya, coarse crushed, boiled
+) 50 gr marigolds, poached
+) 50 ounces spinach, boiled
+) 5 pcs turi flowers, boiled
+) 50 g banana china
+) 1 bunch basil leaves, take a leaf
+) 250 ml of boiled water

Pecel sauce:

+) 100 gr peanuts, fried ripe
+) 2 pcs red chili stew
+) 3 pcs chili stew
+) 5 cm kencur*
+) 3 kaffir lime leaves lbr
+) 1 tsp brown sugar
+) 1 tsp salt
+) 1 tsp tamarind

How to make:

+) Blend the sauce ingredients pecel.
+) Add boiled water and stir well.
+) Put rice on a plate.
+) Arrange the vegetables boiled, pour the sauce pecel.
+) Sprinkle 'petai cina'* on it.
+) Serve with *'tempe bacem', a sprinkling of basil leaves and cracker plate.

For 5 people.


*tempe bacem

*petai cina

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